prodock 2.0

Verslag Multimodal Hackaton 2022 in Amsterdam

In cooperation with, and hosted by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), IATA welcomed some 100 onsite participants in the innovative and inspiring Startup Village Amsterdam and another 50+ online participants through our Devpost hackathon site during the weekend of 20-22 May 2022.


At IATA, we believe in the spirit of collaboration and innovation that we saw at this amazing event is exactly what is needed to move the logistics industry forward to achieve its full potential. 
15 teams of very excited developers have prepped themselves to blow away the judges with awe-inspiring digital innovation through a 28-hour non-stop coding challenge during the weekend in the colorful sea freight containers of the Startup Village Amsterdam.

Cool prizes & giveaways are ready to reward innovation, problem-solving, but also media buzz and diversity. Digital transformation isn’t really about digital, nor about transformation. It’s about people that see a better future and are compelled to act and enjoy doing that. These hackathons are magnets for these amazing folks: developers, transport & logistics experts and highly involved sponsors.

Progress and innovation never stop. We are excited to announce that the next digital cargo hackathon will be hosted by Air Canada in Toronto in the autumn/fall. Many thanks to Jason Berry and Jonathan Parkinson for making this possible. We are excited to be in North America and unite the awesome experts, developers, and sponsors that are shaping the digital transformation of the air transport industry.

Innovative results Multimodal Hackaton

Please check them out at our Hackathon site