Conversion Factory

Dinalog Conversion Factory: from scientific knowledge to solutions for the industry


Scientific knowledge is unlocked in the Conversion Factory and converted into transferrable knowledge about products and services for the industry.


In the Netherlands, a lot of knowledge about logistics and supply chain management is present at Universities and other research institutes in the form of theses and papers. The student or researcher has moved on, works elsewhere and his thesis or paper stays behind on a shelf in the library, without the logistics industry knowing about its existence. This knowledge is unlocked in the Conversion Factory and converted into transferrable knowledge about products and services for the industry.


Conversion Factory estimates the business potential of interesting theses and papers and aims to transfer the knowledge into business.



In the Conversion Factory, trainees of the Logistics Management Systems program work on complex logistical problems at companies for about 10 months. These trainees have already completed a Master program and follow a two-year post-doctoral degree program to be trained in the application of knowledge in a business context. In the Conversion Factory, the trainee works in a team with a professor and an experiences business consultant. Results of the a Conversion Factory project are for example a toolkit, a method, software, or a new design of the supply chain. The teams are always supplemented with people with specific knowledge, such as ICT or business administration.


Problems that can be solved by teams in the Conversion Factory can be about improving logistical processes companies, or in chains or networks of companies, such as:

– Purchasing

– Warehousing

– Production

– Supply chain coordination

– Assembly

– Horizontal or vertical collaboration

– Distribution

– Service

– Storage


Possible objectives of the projects are:

– Improvement of the planning and control

– Improvement of efficiency and sustainability

– Improvement of cooperation and coordination in the supply chain


Individual companies or groups of companies that aim to solve a problem together, can apply for participation in the Conversion Factory. After the request is made, Dinalog and the TU / e jointly assess whether the application is eligible.


Interested? Please contact us.


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