trending transport

Seminar: Trending topics in Transport

  • Datum: 27 feb 2024
  • Tijd: 15:00 - 18:30 uur
  • Locatie: AKD Amsterdam, The Edge Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970 in Amsterdam
  • Registreren

Op 27 februari 2024 vindt het seminar ‘Trending topics in Transport’ plaats. Medewerkers van AKD Lawyers in Amsterdam gaan onder andere in op de juridische consequenties voor de transportwereld van ontwikkelingen rond duurzaamheid op Schiphol Airport, in zero-emissiezones en zaken als het EU-plan Fit for 55. Het seminar wordt het in Engels gegeven.

Bron: AKD Lawyers.

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What to expect? 

Trending Topics in Transport Amsterdam | Tuesday 27 February 2024

•    Guido de Vos, lawyer at the AKD Transport & Trade team, will discuss the legal implications of various recent developments concerning the sustainability of Schiphol Airport and the aviation community at large.

•    Emile Hallo, lawyer at AKD’s Energy team, will discuss the legal structuring regarding the operation of EV-charging systems, focusing on risks and opportunities for the logistics sector in light of regulatory developments such as zero-emission zones and the AFIR regulation from the EU fit for 55 package.

•    Jorian Gunst, lawyer at the AKD Transport & Trade team, will provide further insights on the legal challenges that road carriers and other logistic service providers will face due to zero emission zones, and he will also elaborate on the obstacles and contractual solutions for cargo interested parties. 


15.00        Reception
15.30        Start of seminar
17.00        Drinks