open dag mbo

Multimodal Hackaton 2022 in Amsterdam

During the Hackathon you will be asked to build solutions to enhance cargo products using the ONE Record Data Sharing standard by multimodal means. We will ask you to address at least one of the related challenges by using at least one of the APIs available at the event. In parallel, you will be able to attend some of the workshops that will take place remotely and gain access to mentors that will support you through the Hackathon experience.

NB – IATA does NOT retain developers’ Intellectual Property (IP) on any of their ideas/prototypes presented at this Hackathon. Detailed information under Terms and Conditions.

More information can be found on the dedicated Developer Portal for ONE Record.


  • Friday 20th May 17:00 CEST the welcome reception starts. Introduction of mentors, sponsors prizes and details of the challenges. Following on, each team should present their high level ideas for validation
  • Saturday 21st May 09:00 CEST welcome back and start of workshops on the ONE Record and DCSA APIs (follow Microsoft Teams link) more information will be released at the ideation kick-off
  • Sunday 22th May 15:00 CEST Coding finishes and submissions must be completed for judges to see.
    • At around 1600 CEST (this gives enough time for a quick drink/eat/smoke/powernap break) all team to dial into Teams meeting (just like the opening session) whereby IATA will host a few updates and ask each team (INFORMALLY) to present their ideas to the other teams. Note the judges wont be in this video as they are scoring the submissions through Devpost.
    • At around 1700/1800 CEST judging will be completed and the judges will then join the call and announce the winners
    • Around 1900 CEST the event closes



Each team should choose and address at least ONE (1) challenge

  • DCSA Maritime Challenge
  • Modernising Cargo Distribution Challenge (MCD)
  • Sustainable Air Cargo Challenge
  • Open Challenge

 More information can be found on the update tab and Discord feed

For the SPONSORED Challenges, you MUST opt-in during submission!

Note that full challenge and API connection details will be provided at the start of the Ideation phase on Monday 16th May

Although all submissions must be submitted electronically through DevPost, we will ask all participants to show live using the Microsoft Teams link at the dedicated judging time (starting at 16:00 CEST) on Sunday 22nd May. More information on the order and teams will be shared closer to the time.

Idea Submission 

  • Register on Devpost
  • Submit your idea / project proposal via email to
  • Describe the problem you are addressing and the solution you intend to build during the hackathon
  • Register on Discord/Devpost  to find your teammates (if required)
    • Describe team members’ skills, plus skills needed by team members who may join your team
  • Promote your idea on Social Media: #ONERecord #DigitalCargo #DCSA

The idea should be a project that you haven’t done before and the first day of the hackathon (Saturday 21st May) should be the first day you start developing and coding.

In order to make sure that Ideas are on the right track, we invite each team to start designing at the start of the ideation phase (16th May) and share your high level ideas with the IATA Team during the welcome reception on friday live in person. All teams must submit their ideas for approval in order to be able to be eligible to participate. 

Final Project Submission (on Sunday 22nd May)

Remember to submit on time (1500 CEST) the textual pitch and video (more info below) for the judging phase on Sunday 22nd May!

1. Textual Pitch on Devpost

You should explain:

  • The problem your project solves, including which ONE Record challenge(s) are addressed
  • Your solution and what it does
  • How did you build it?
  • What are you proud of?
  • What is next step for your solution and how will you take that step?
  • Links to test the solution (e.g., Github, Website, App, adobe) and the code

2. Video Pitch (5 Minutes Max): 

Upload a video (5 minutes max) of the working demo of the solution on Youtube as a public video (it can be unlisted if you want) explaining your solution and the problems it solves. The link to the video must be uploaded on Devpost as well. 

Important Reminder

Team sizes should be MAXIMUM 7 participants. we recommend a minimum of 2.

All projects must be submitted by Sunday, May 22 2022, at 15:00 CEST.

Judging will take place straight after submission and award ceremony with winner annoucement following starting around 17:00 CEST.